Patterson, Ca
The Patterson Cemetery District maintains an office at the cemetery. It is in the buildings in the north east corner of Section D as shown on the map. The main center road goes right to it.
10800 Hwy 33
P. O. box 595
Patterson, CA 95363
The General Manager is Vee Hooper.
Office Phone: (209) 892-8654
Office Fax: (209) 892-8408
The cemetery was originally mapped based on purchased plots in various configurations. In recent years, it has been re-mapped through the efforts of the Patterson Cemetery Association, several Boy Scout projects, and the Patterson Township Historical Society. The divisions shown here represent the new mapping system.
California Hwy 33 is designated as a North – South highway. However, in reality, in the neighborhood of the Cemetery, it actually runs North – West and South – East, at nearly a 45 degree angle. The map has been straightened to make it easier to present and understand. The town of Westley is about a mile north of the Cemetery and Patterson is about five miles south, both right on Hwy 33.
The Cemetery is divided into six distinct areas, bordered by paved roads. They are designated by the letters shown.
Graves are located by a grid. Rows run north and south. They are numbered, starting at a ‘zero’ point at the blue dots in the sections. From that point, the numbers go up as one goes in the direction of the outside of the cemetery. From the center road, the ROW numbers go up as they approach the highway, and as they approach back edge of the cemetery.
Specifically as follows from the blue dots: Section A, the row numbers increase towards the main entrance. Section C rows increase towards Hwy 33. In section C, the grave numbers go all the way to over 140 near the southern road before the dry area. Section A and B: the numbers of the graves increases North.
Sections D, E and F, the grave numbers increase south from each road. Within each ROW, the graves are also numbered, going up as you approach the outer limits of the Cemetery. Approaching from the front gate, grave numbers get larger going left (North) and right (South). If you deal with sections E and F, each of them has a new ‘zero’ point, and the numbers get larger as you go South.
The cremanes area has no special numbering system. Note also the restroom facilities just to the south on that side of the property.
Visit Us
The Historical Society Museum
300 West Las Palmas Ave.
Patterson, CA 95363
in the circle at the center of downtown Patterson, California
General Questions: Joanne Marci, ph: 209.642.6340
Barnstormers: Ken Herger, ph: 209.681.5604
Curator: Linda Briggs, ph: 209.480.2088
*Disclaimer: The Patterson Township Historical Society does not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided or linked to on this website.